Build a Ghostbusters-style PROTON PACK for just $42 in 4 hours

It's hard to bust ghosts if you don't have your own proton pack to help take care of the job, right? Well, the fine people at Deconstructive Studios have come up with a way for you to build your own PROTON PACK for just $42 and 4 hours of time. It's very simple and almost anyone can do it. They do a great job of detailing every piece (most of it is purchased at Home Depot) and also how to put it all together.

To download your own copy of the D.I.Y. tutorial visit (.pdf).

Again, a massive thanks to Billy, Ian and Laura of Deconstructive Studios for their great resource, make sure to go "Like" them on FB!


Download your own copy of the D.I.Y. PROTON PACK tutorial visit (.pdf)